Sunday, June 12, 2011

Overview of the Vedic Universe

The Vedas are the complete body of knowledge being passed down from the dawn of time, which encompass all things both within and without the universe.

Anything you could want to know, you can find in the Vedas, in clear, direct and unambiguous terms. The only catch is you have to understand them from the perspective of the author, not by any interpretation, modern adaptation, and without ulterior motive. For that you need a guide, hence the inspiration and need for this official guidebook ;)

The structure of the universe is described by the author of the Vedas, Srila Vyasadeva, in Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is the essential commentary on the Vedanta Sutra – the condensed essence of the Vedas.

The term Veda = Knowledge and the suffix anta = the conclusion

The purpose of the Vedas is to draw the attention of the audience to the ultimate conclusion of the search for knowledge: Self-Realization and simultaneous realization of the Absolute Truth, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes, and the relationship between the two.

To understand who I am and how I relate to everything, I have to understand in what context I'm coming from; my family, my community, my country, my race, my religion, my belief system, my body, my mind, my consciousness, the nature and structure of this world, of the universe in which this world is situated, and what it's history and purpose are. All these contexts help me to understand myself, and define how I view, interact and experience the world around me and life itself.

To aide in that search, we aim to provide an engaging visual framework from which to approach the universal view given by the Vedas; Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad-Gita, and other corollary works.

We will cover the following essential subjects:

• The nature and structure of the elements of existence
• How those elements constitute the various dimensions / planes of reality
• The function and purpose of the material dimension
• The formation of the multi-verse
• The makeup of a universe
• The creation of the planetary systems
• Classification of life by qualities
• The categories of life in the primary planetary systems
    - Divinities
    - Civilized races
    - Uncivilized races
    - Creatures
    - Animals
    - Plants
    * Each will contain:
        - Origin
        - Classification
        - Realms of Habitation
        - Special Traits
        - Physical description
        - Mental outlook
        - History
        - Historical figures
    - Items
    - Environments
• Elements of Vedic civilization
    - Purpose of civilization
    - Stages of Spiritual practice
    - Social structure
    - Economic structure
    - Overview of Vedic Sciences
        • Dharma - Integrity / virtue / duty
        • Artha - art of work
        • Kama - art of desire
        • Moksa - liberation from limitations
        • Yoga - fulfillment of ultimate purpose
        • Bhakti - love, devotion and service in spiritual relationship
        • Vastu - art of space design (City planning, architecture, work and living spaces)
        • Gurukula - Education
        • Ayurveda - Health
        • Jyotish - Astrology
        • Art / Music / Dance / Poetry - creative expression
        • Dhanurveda - Military arts
        • Agriculture
        • Wardrobe / Fashion - form and function
        • Philosophy / Literature

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weekly Update

Wed June 8th

I have been going over recordings of my story-telling sessions and typing them out. There are about 10 hours of Mahabharata stories. I think they will be good to have on hand to use for reference. I also have been going over our profile templates. What details can we cover? How detailed do we want to get?  Basically we need to ask ourselves what details do we want to cover for places, for beings and for characters. We need to lay a specific framework for all our profiles so that we can create a united presentation.  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Video on Kickstarter

Here is a link to our latest video

The minds are beginning to meet and the pace is slow and steady which I like way more than rushed and sloppy